Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Thank You!!!!

Your Final Exam will be:
Block 2: Thursday Jan. 11th 2015

Thank you for your participation in digital photography. I hope that you continue to use digital photography as a medium. I wish you seniors, the best of luck in your endeavors and have a wonderful Spring semester. For you underclassmen, I hope to see you continue in art, as an artist cannot fail- it is a success to be one!
Good Luck on Final Exams!

Delete your blog if you desire

Clean out folders: Delete all folders & files

Study for final (take practice quiz over and over!)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Classroom Clean Up

(1) As we near the end of the semester you need to clean out your folders and files. If you would like to keep any of your images you'll need to either (A) Email it to yourself or (B) Store via Google Drive. When you have backed up whatever you need DELETE ALL FOLDERS & FILES, except for your final portfolio film, if you have not presented it to the class yet. Check your desktop, your downloads folder, and any misc. folder you may have stuck something.

(2) You may also, should you choose, DELETE YOUR BLOG.
If you delete your blog, it will no longer be available online and will be permanently removed from your list of blogs on your Blogger Dashboard.
Here's how to delete your blog:
  1. Sign in to blogger.com and access your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Beside the blog you want to delete, click the drop-down menu to the right of the gray Post List iconBlogger post list icon & drop-down.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click Other (under Settings) on the left side of the page.
  5. At the top of the page under "Blog tools" click Delete blog.
  6. Click Delete this blog.

The title of the deleted blog will appear in the "Deleted blogs" section for a short time after you delete your blog. During this time period, you can click Deleted blogs on the left side of your Blogger Dashboard to see the titles of your recently deleted blogs.
Deleted blogs in dashboard

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Exam Review III

Please click on the link below, you will be directed to another practice digital photography exam- Press START when ready! The questions from these exams will be part of your final so pay attention!

IMPORTANT! Leave your score page OPEN and show me your scores before closing! Otherwise, you will have to repeat a different quiz for credit! DO NOT PRINT! Just show me the screen.

Final Exam Review II

Please click on the link below, you will be directed to another practice digital photography exam- Press START when ready! The questions from these exams will be part of your final so pay attention!

IMPORTANT! Leave your score page OPEN and show me your scores before closing! Otherwise, you will have to repeat a different quiz for credit! DO NOT PRINT! Just show me the screen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Final Exam Review I

Please click on the link below, you will be directed to a practice digital photography exam- Press START when ready! TAKE NOTES! You will see these questions again on your final exam on June 11th.

IMPORTANT! Leave your score page OPEN and show me your scores before closing! DO NOT PRINT. Otherwise, you will have to repeat a different quiz for credit!

*If some pictures on review do not load, skip them, I am more concerned about you getting the information then your scores...

Don't forget! Post video for complete credit!

Post videos

There are several ways to post a video to your blog. .
  1. Click the black and white clapboard icon on the Post Editor toolbar.

  2. In the popup window, you'll see four options:
    • Upload: You can browse for a upload a video from your computer. If this is your first video upload, you must agree to the Terms and Conditions.
    • From YouTube: You can search YouTube and select a video to display on your blog.
    • My YouTube videos:If you have your own videos under you Google Account, you can easily access and upload them through this tab.
    • From your phone: If you have Google+ and Android, you can download an application that will allow all the videos from your phone to upload instantly to your Google Account. You can then click From your phone and select a video from your phone to publish on your blog. All content instantly uploaded from your phone is private until you choose to share it.
  3. Select one of the options, and click upload.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Portfolio Review- Digital Photography

Final Portfolio Review- Digital Photography
1. Movie in Windows moviemaker

2. Mini Resume
3. All images from length of class
4. A photographer's work that has influenced/inspired you
5. At least one “whatever” photo

Create a movie presentation with all slides of your work. 
Requirements can be found in your ASSIGNMENTS folder, along with PowerPoint outlining everything you need to know. View this as often as you need. 
Things you may find helpful to include:
Examples of how you improved…
Before/After’s of your “edited” or manipulated work
• All Images are to be animated
• Interior pages may run at a speed where you can say a word or two about the piece AND we have time to see it before it flashes by during the oral presentation the student isn’t rushed
• All text should be animated and staggered
• Staggering text will minimize audience reading ahead and not paying attention to ad lib’ed information

**** Portfolios are due on 6/2. You will have 4-5 minutes to present your movie to the class. You must narrate through the presentation as if we have never heard of you or seen your work. Presentations are your last Major Assessment for the course ****


• Students may have notes but are not allowed to read from their presentation on the big screen
• Students are to speak audible
• Students are not to rush through presentation
• Students must be prepared to answer questions from the audience
• Students must include everything asked on them outline in ASSIGNMENTS folder and in class MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS folder. SAVE AS LAST_FIRST_FINAL

Nicole Anjali  Tina Anum

Post videos

There are several ways to post a video to your blog. .
  1. Click the black and white clapboard icon on the Post Editor toolbar.

  2. In the popup window, you'll see four options:
    • Upload: You can browse for a upload a video from your computer. If this is your first video upload, you must agree to the Terms and Conditions.
    • From YouTube: You can search YouTube and select a video to display on your blog.
    • My YouTube videos:If you have your own videos under you Google Account, you can easily access and upload them through this tab.
    • From your phone: If you have Google+ and Android, you can download an application that will allow all the videos from your phone to upload instantly to your Google Account. You can then click From your phone and select a video from your phone to publish on your blog. All content instantly uploaded from your phone is private until you choose to share it.
  3. Select one of the options, and click upload.