Thursday, February 26, 2015

PDN High School Photo Contest

You all had some really great photographs, interested in getting some money for them??

Click to enter the annual PDN high school photo contest!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Major Assignment: Portrait Series


Portrait Series:

Using what you have learned in about the elements of photography including- composition, lighting and backgrounds-take a series of portraits.  You will be turning in 4 portraits; they should be part of a series, which means they are thematically related to each other in subject matter and/or compositional style.  For example if your theme is self portraiture, make sure the photos you take for this project and the 4 you turn in are all self portraits.  If your theme is a composition style like lighting, make sure all of the portraits you take for this project have interesting/dramatic lighting.  Perhaps you want to dress up in some way or you want to take portraits of in action.  There are many ways to approach creating a theme for this project.  You cannot complete this assignment until you have taken at least 15-25 portraits on the digital camera– the more pictures you take, the better results you will get.  You will be turning in MINIMUM 4 BEST portraits for this assignment on one composition.

"Nik Jung Shaved"                       © Nik Jung


1.      Create a series of portraits (at LEAST 4)

2.      All photos that you use for this assignment MUST be originals of yours that you took with a digital camera or phone this semester. Background should be minimal and a solid color, hang a sheet or shoot against blank wall.

3.      Your 4 portraits must be part of a series and have a theme (either compositional style or subject matter or both.)

4.  Do NOT take a picture of you in a mirror, UNLESS, it is the most amazing, creative, compositionally dynamic image I have ever seen.

5.      Always save your images in your GoogleDrive or email. YOU CAN NOT USE A flash drive or the USB, you must upload at home and be able to access your files digitally in class through one of these web based options.

6.      You will have Wednesday and Thursday to edit images  in Photoshop. SAVE TWO VERSIONS OF YOUR FINAL BY FRIDAY. 1 flatten JPEG(150res) and 1 Tiff file (300res). Please approve your final with me before flatten so that I may suggest editing options. SAVE both in H; drive labeled as follows:  LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PORTRAITS in MAJOR Folder

      POST the Jpeg version. Title: Potrait Series. Include an artist statement that is at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences)
POSTED TO BLOG @ 150 res or less
SAVED IN MAJOR @ 300 resolution .

                      © Pauline Medina 2013

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ocean County Photography Competition

On behalf of the Ocean County Camera Club I would like to invite you, the photography students to compete in the annual print competition. 

(1)    ARCHITECTURE – Architecture can be a building or structure of any type, or any part thereof, including windows, doors, roofs, stairways, steeples, towers, domes, etc.  
(2)    PEOPLE/ANIMALS – An individual or a group of people and/or pets or other animals including birds, fish, reptiles, or insects, a combination being acceptable.  
(3)    SCAPES – A scene as of land, sea, city, clouds, etc. can be part of scapes.  
(4)    PHOTOJOURNALISM – A photo recounting a story or news item generally dealing with news events, human interest, sports, disasters, etc., are acceptable.  (Cannot be manipulated in any way)  
(5)    COLOR PHOTOGRAPHER’S CHOICE OR CREATIVE – This category can be a photo of any subject.  (This is an open category, and use of any photographic technique, photo manipulation, or software is acceptable.
(6)    MONOCHROME PHOTOGRAPHER’S CHOICE OR CREATIVE – This category can be a photo of any subject.  (This is an open category, and use of any photographic technique, photo manipulation, or software is acceptable.
Basically pick out your photos and have each student fill out the PSA youth entry form for each photo. Cut off the bottom third and glue (glue stick works best) that part to the back of the photo. Don’t bother about the control numbers. Teacher fills out the HS sponsor form with each photo info and your contact information. Send all the entries and forms to us by March 23, 2015. They will not be returned. We will have 3 judges per category and winners will receive ribbons and certificates. Winning entries include 1st through 4th place plus a grand prize winner.  Once this is complete we can send up to 8 entries onto the National competition of the Photographic Society of America for their judging. For the past few years we have had winners at PSA. Last year a student from Msgr Donovan HS in Toms River won the national first prize. To see the NJ winners you can log onto our website Click on any student year to see the winners. 

A few notes on pictures. You can have one or 18 students participate. We strongly suggest you print 8x10 photos. Although 5x7 is fine we have noticed the larger photos are 90% of winners. I think it is because you can see the details in the larger photos.

Anjali Patel, JFKMHS graduate in 2011 used her Portrait Series project for this contest and was awarded an honorable mention as well as exposure on their website!
© Anjali Patel 2011

Guest Speaker: Antonelli Institute

Antonelli Institute

Today, a representative from this school will be here today, please give him your undivided attention and feel free to ask questions. 

Capturing Life.

We are surrounded by photography every day,  from the packages on our food to the magazines we read. There’s much more to creating photographic art than knowing how to operate a camera. Photographers need creativity, technical skills, and just as importantly, sound business skills. 
At Antonelli, you can learn the nuances of photography and learn how to run a profitable photography business. The 21-month program was designed so you will spend most of your time in classes related to your photography career while learning from accomplished photography faculty members. Our class sizes are usually small, making it easier to get to know your teachers and get personal, one-on-one attention. 
During the first year of the photography program, you will focus on three-dimensional lighting, camera functions, picture composition, black-and-white photography, and photographic chemistry. You will also study film in the first semester and digital imaging beginning second semester.
The second-year adds to your repertorie color photography, advanced lighting, commercial applications including architectural, product, and fashion photography. 
You’ll graduate with a portfolio of original work  and a web presence to share with future clients and employers. 
Click the button below to learn more about our on-time graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Assignment: Composition Book

R. Friedman © 2009

READ ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT. For creating your Composition Book, you'll need a camera (or camera phone) to find at least one example of the following types of composition (see below). Be sure to include the whole photo images, do not cut out part of the photo or reshape it by cutting it.
SHOOT TO FRAME (We'll talk about what this means). Use only real photographs, no digitally altered or animated collages. No photographs that are really images of paintings or drawings. Craftsmanship is an important part of your grade, so be neat and do label each photo with its composition type. The final product will be a 18 page spread (1 image per page) and should be SAVED IN THE CORRECT FOLDER

This is a two part assignment
1. create the 18 page document in Microsoft Word,
2. POST a portion of this assignment with the title: Photography Composition. Spelling and grammar will count.
**You may view today's PowerPoint presentation from the G: drive if you missed anything during the class's lecture, it is titled Photo Composition.**

1. The Pictures you need to take: You may shoot in class or in the hallway outside of class, as well as at home. Pictures should be shot by Wednesday & Thursday so you can upload and put together document and post by Friday.

Leading Line – a line that leads you visually to an object or that leads into the distance creating depth. (1)
Rhythm – Objects repeating in a picture creating a feeling of depth or emphasis. (1)
Framing – shooting through something to get the main subject behind it. The subject is “framed” by something in the foreground. (1)
Horizontal – picture is wider than it is tall. (1)
Vertical – picture is taller than it is wide. (1)
Informal Balance – different things catch your eye, not just one. (multiple objects – tends to be asymmetrical.) (1)
Formal Balance – both sides of the picture are similar (symmetrical.) (1)
High Key – bright, intense, active. (1)
Low key – dark, less intense, inactive. (1)
Silhouette – The lighting comes from behind the subject in your picture. (1)
Angleup, down, straight. Find one of each. (3)
Distanceclose, medium, far. Find one of each. (3)
Focus soft and sharp. Find one of each. (2)

2. The Microsoft Word document you'll create:
1 image per page, centered (yes, you may edit in Photoshop quickly if needed)
1 definition, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explaining what element the image represents
1 paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining WHY this image works.

Example of a finished page:
SAVE AS: Lastname_Firstname_CompositionBook in MAJOR folder on your H: Drive by end of Thursday's class, February 19, 2015

3. Part II: The POST. You must post you top 5 examples of your imagery in one post by end of Thursday's class, February 19, 2015
1. Title Post: Photography Composition
2. Insert 5 of your choice of  images (You cannot post a WORD DOC, so you'll have to do some copying and pasting here and upload same images you used)
3. Caption each image with a title, artist name (you) and year (2015) If you'd like, you may copyright images using  © symbol
4. Include your definition and explanation (just copy what you wrote in Word). Spell everything correctly, points will be deducted.
5.PREVIEW your post, make sure it looks good, it's legible, and is aesthetically pleasing.
6. Publish your post. Many of you are creating posts and not publishing them, which is not finishing the assignment because it does not show up on your blog.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Photoshop Tutorial: Changing Eye Color

Today, you'll be following a step by step guide to change eye color in Photoshop. This will not only introduce you to some of the common tools you'll want to use in Photoshop, but also teach you skills you can apply to your own images.

You can find this tutorial in your ASSIGNMENT folder, and this sample image in folder labeled SAMPLE IMAGES, you may also, however, apply this technique to one of your own photos if you choose.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Assignment: My Life

Images Due Monday February 9, 2015
Post Due Tuesday February 10, 2014
For your first assignment, you took images of yourself 'in your element'. The assignment was to find a place that describes your place, where you feel most comfortable. Create an image (a photograph) that is staged in such a way that the viewer can learn something about you just by looking at it. Much like the American Express Ad's we viewed in class.

To get full credit for assignment you must:
Save 2 Copies: SAVEAS LastName_MyLIfe.jpeg
For Blog: @ 72 RES
For Printing: @ 300 Res

1. POST image on your blog,
2. Answer questions!  You may do this in your own handwriting and scan it for a more personal feel or type right into your blog. Check your grammar and spelling!
3. Post by due date
4. Title correctly

Re-type questions and answer them according to YOU. See below for MY final Journal entry example, over the weekend you should have photographed your own!

When you POST your assignment to your blog title it: MY LIFE. 
If you would like to see examples of this assignment's final look, click on Kerry or Millena 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Making Press Pass

As part of the digital photography class, you will often be out of the room using your camera. This pass will allow you access to do so (with some restrictions!) First, you need to create one!

What you'll need:
-A photograph of yourself


Open Photoshop
File>Open G: Drive> Press Pass

Open an image of yourself (a portrait, not a full length image)

Insert the image of yourself into the blank box on your press pass. You can use the crop tool, to get the size. Cut or Ctrl X will remove your photo and PASTE or Ctrl V to insert it where it needs to go.
Edit>Transform>Scale will allow you to resize your portrait (remember holding shift may hinder you if your pictures ratio does not match the box I've given you on template)

Add your FULL NAME and Grade in box below photograph. (USE TEXT TOOL T)

Add ROOM 102 to side of press pass (USE TEXT TOOL T) You'll have to rotate text using Edit>Transform>Rotate

Layer> Flatten Layers when you are happy with the Press Pass


File > Save As > LastName_FirstName_PP  in MINOR folder


This window will pop up:

Be sure to save as MEDIUM quality.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Using Google Drive

Using GoogleDrive on your computer
Using GoogleDrive on your SmartPhone

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Assignment: Creating your own blog

Today you'll be creating your own blog using an email you make for class. You will be required to create and maintain your personal blog, while adhering to the internet rules and regulations you've signed off on in order to participate in this course. Think of your blog as your sketchbook, your very PUBLIC sketchbook. 
As always, see the 'Do Now' page first, and then we'll talk about Blogging. 

1. What will your blog address be? Remember you want something that says what your blog is about and identifies you. works great!
but, may not be a great choice for our purposes.

We'll start blogging together, but if you need the instructions, google has very detailed instructions which you can view at home this evening and continue this process at home.

ADD YOUR BLOG URL to white half sheet of paper, in your color-coordinated class folder

Email your blog address to Instructor using the account WE CREATED IN CLASS TO:

Subject: Your Name, Block

Message: (example)

All emails must be received by Wednesday evening, before 6pm for full credit, and must adhere to subject and message example above. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Welcome to Digital Photography!!!

Hello and Welcome to Digital Photography! I love this class and I'm excited to have so many of you interested in the art and science of photography! We are all beginners here, so those of you that have experience, great, I look forward to learning from you too and for those of you that are new to the craft, not to worry! Spring semester is a wonderful time for photographs so we'll be busy! I hope you are ready to learn and better yet, ready to start shooting photographs today!

Your assignment today will be to learn to navigate this blog, and have your papers signed and reviewed by a parent or guardian and returned tomorrow! In addition your homework starts now! See  Homework page for photo-a-day challenge!