Friday, February 20, 2015

Major Assignment: Portrait Series


Portrait Series:

Using what you have learned in about the elements of photography including- composition, lighting and backgrounds-take a series of portraits.  You will be turning in 4 portraits; they should be part of a series, which means they are thematically related to each other in subject matter and/or compositional style.  For example if your theme is self portraiture, make sure the photos you take for this project and the 4 you turn in are all self portraits.  If your theme is a composition style like lighting, make sure all of the portraits you take for this project have interesting/dramatic lighting.  Perhaps you want to dress up in some way or you want to take portraits of in action.  There are many ways to approach creating a theme for this project.  You cannot complete this assignment until you have taken at least 15-25 portraits on the digital camera– the more pictures you take, the better results you will get.  You will be turning in MINIMUM 4 BEST portraits for this assignment on one composition.

"Nik Jung Shaved"                       © Nik Jung


1.      Create a series of portraits (at LEAST 4)

2.      All photos that you use for this assignment MUST be originals of yours that you took with a digital camera or phone this semester. Background should be minimal and a solid color, hang a sheet or shoot against blank wall.

3.      Your 4 portraits must be part of a series and have a theme (either compositional style or subject matter or both.)

4.  Do NOT take a picture of you in a mirror, UNLESS, it is the most amazing, creative, compositionally dynamic image I have ever seen.

5.      Always save your images in your GoogleDrive or email. YOU CAN NOT USE A flash drive or the USB, you must upload at home and be able to access your files digitally in class through one of these web based options.

6.      You will have Wednesday and Thursday to edit images  in Photoshop. SAVE TWO VERSIONS OF YOUR FINAL BY FRIDAY. 1 flatten JPEG(150res) and 1 Tiff file (300res). Please approve your final with me before flatten so that I may suggest editing options. SAVE both in H; drive labeled as follows:  LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PORTRAITS in MAJOR Folder

      POST the Jpeg version. Title: Potrait Series. Include an artist statement that is at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences)
POSTED TO BLOG @ 150 res or less
SAVED IN MAJOR @ 300 resolution .

                      © Pauline Medina 2013

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