Sunday, March 1, 2015

Assignment: Partner Project and Where I'd Rather BE

BOTH POSTS ARE DUE Friday, March 6th 2014

"Spit Ball"                        Arnold Guiteirez  2011
 Partner Portrait

Working with one-two partners, you will use 1 class block to photograph one another. You will each be responsible for submitting your own photo for a blog POST, these should be two very separate ideas, you are only working as partners to get your photo taken. If you would like to shoot outside school, you of course can do so on your own time.

"Bully"                              Luiz 2011

1. Plan image. Photograph according to plan.
2. EDIT image in Photoshop.
3. SAVE AS Last_First_PartnerPortrait in Major Photo Assignments Folder
5. Include in this post, a few sentences about your process.

2nd Post: 

Where I'd Rather Be
For this post, you will be manipulating multiple images to create a scene or place or situation where you’d rather be. You must use scanned or internet images (if they are good enough resolution) but the photo or yourself MUST BE RECENT AND TAKEN THIS SEMESTER BY YOU.

"I'd Rather Be in Boot Camp"                           Kuzma, 2011  
You may work with a partner during class to get the photographs taken.Remember! Using a solid background will make it easier to extract figures from the photo to insert into another. 

1. Plan image. Photograph according to plan, or use an image you have if it’s appropriate.
2. EDIT image in Photoshop.
3. SAVE AS Last_First_RatherBe in Photo Major Assignments Folder
4. POST, title post as I’d Rather Be
5. Include in this post, a few sentences about your process. 

THIS video should help if you are having trouble in Photoshop!  

"I'd Rather Be with Aston"        Astrom, 2011

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