Thursday, April 30, 2015

Project Grad T-shirt Design

As I will not be in class today, please read the following and begin working on your own. You may continue to work on this in the following days and can even do this via drawing on paper if you'd prefer. All of you however, must submit at least ONE t-shirt idea by next Monday (May 4th). You will have additional assignments tomorrow and Monday, I return Tuesday. 

T-Shirt Design Contest!
What: T-Shirt Design for YOUR graduating class to rock at project graduation this June!
Who: You! The senior class members
How: There are a few ways you may do this. You could use one of those lame design websites that offer random clip art and don't give you a lot of control OR you can use Photoshop to create a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious design that gets everyone's attention! *I put t-shirt outline images in your sample images folder for your convienence. 
When: Due By                    Save As last_first_ProjGrad in Minor Assignments folder. Make sure it's at least 300 resolution so printer can enlarge the design without a problem.
Entries will be submitted to Mr. Cilento and he and your class officers will decide on a winning design. That design will then get sent to the printer and on June 18th, your classmates could be sporting your fabulous tee!
The Fine Print: T-shirt designs must be in school colors (green, white, black & gray) and the base tee-shirt must be white (it is too expensive to print on black tee's). The design must include"John F Kennedy, Kennedy or JFK",  "project graduation" and "2015" in some respect. Other then that you have a lot of freedom so get to designing!!! A t-shirt template can be found in your Assignments folder.

Some tee's from the past....

***If you are a junior, you may design one for next year***

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Photoshop Tutorial: Gold Foil Text

Follow the tutorial above to create golf foil text! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Assignment: Alphabet Photography

For your photography assignment, you will be experimenting with what we'll refer to as "Alphabet Art". Using photography, you'll be responsible for spelling out a word of your choice using black and white images. Please photograph in color and we will learn as a class how to properly convert to grayscale so as to achieve proper contrast.

Below, you'll find an example of alphabet art spelling out a word. Can you see the letters?

  1. Choose a word, at least five letters long, and cannot be the same as any other 
  2. student in the class
  3. Start photographing, take more then 1 picture for a given letter as you may find something better later in the week. Look high and wide to find your letters, they can be in the most unique places. Try your best to find natural letter forms and not have to "spell it out" yourself using found objects.
  4. Take COLOR images
  5. Upload images throughout the week. (I will be out Thursday-Monday) so you will have this major assignment going on amongst some minor ones with the substitute. 
  6. SAVE EACH IMAGE separately in a folder titled Letters, in Major assignments, no larger then 8.5x11 
  7. For POST credit, place each image on panoramic canvas much like May  7th titled "Alphabet Art", before you leave class.
  8. Also place a saved version of your flattened, full word in 'letters' folder as a final image.

I'd also prefer you NOT photograph letters, photograph things that LOOK like letters. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Check out Twisted Sifter for some incredible photos! 

delivering an elliott 405 computer in 1957 black and white norwich
Delivering a computer in 1957 Photograph via Norfolk Record Office

vintage selfie 1920 (1)
The 1920's Selfie

Friday, April 17, 2015

Assignment: Photo Book

Assignment: Photo Book via

  • You will be creating a photo book with your own specific them, please create a folder titled "Journal" so that you get credit for shooting the 50 images over the next week. This includes collecting of old images if that is to your purposes. (20 points of final grade: Due Tuesday 4/21)
  • Have your idea ready to share with me

  • When finished uploading, please click on the following link to BLURB and create your user name and password. Click on JOIN TODAY in top right hand corner. Use the email address you created for THIS CLASS.
  • EMAIL ME IMMEDIATELY WITH YOUR USERNAME & PASSWORD. Email message should look like this:
Subject: LastName, Block #
Message: Nicole Vignola  
                           Username: nicolevig
                           Password: cartel1005

  • Explore the book making options. Keep in mind- creativity is key! You can photograph your own writing include special quotes,  you can scan old photographs - be original(60 pts of final grade)
    • you do not have to use every single image you shoot
    • your book SHOULD have a theme, not just "photo book"
    • creativity is key!
    • spelling errors will NOT be tolerated! spell check!
    • Yes, you need a title page.
    • yes, you SHOULD use Photoshop to edit your images, before simply inserting any image into your book. Try layering, color correcting, etc.
    • Your book needs to be at least 20 pages long, not including the title page and does not have to use every photo you took. Select only the best for the book.
You'll present your book to the class for crit Fri-Mon

Open the document on H: Drive for instructions

 “How do I do that?” you ask..
1. Over the course of the weekend and into next week, document your thoughts and feelings about particular people, places, and events you visit or encounter. Not only must you photograph these people, places or things, but you must keep a written journal about what you experience during this time.  

2. Choose a theme, for example "senior memories" or "people of Iselin" etc. Your theme may not become apparent until after you've shot for a few days, so shoot EVERYTHING, from your sports practice, your vacation, family time, etc. 

3. When you return from Break, we will view your journals and upload your pictures and you will make a digital version of the example above.. (Details about what will be done IN CLASS will follow) The final project will be a digital photography book. 

“So how do I start?” You ask..
Start SHOOTING and WRITING.. as soon as you leave school TODAY.. the more you document, the more material you will have for your digital journal. Do not save this assignment for the weekend before you return to school, your lack of effort will be obvious and your grade will reflect it.

“What are the specifics?” you ask..
You must have AT LEAST 25 photographs. You might not use all the photos in your final compilation, but you will need to have them on Tuesday for full credit. 

Finally, you will need to post a 5 screen shots of your favorite pages on your blog (also by 4/28)
Click link below for an excerpt of this project

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Food Photography: A Comparison (Photo Walk)

Egg Muffin Sandwich Ad Photo vs. Actual Product
Welcome to a new series of posts comparing food photography used by the restaurant and food manufactures versus what you are actually served or buy.
Is It Real or Is It Photoshop
The food industry gets away with murder when it comes to their product photographs versus what you actually get or buy. Many consumers are pissed off when the product doesn’t match the higher stylized, heavy retouched photographs restaurants and processed food manufacturers use in their advertising and product packaging.
For most industries this is considered misleading and deceptive advertising. For food industry lobbyists and management it is American enterprise at its best. They  “invest” millions of dollars each year assuring Congress, the FDA and USDA do not pass laws or regulations forcing them to show customers what they are actually buying versus the deceptive food photography used to sell their products.
Italian Med Diet WYSIWYG Photos
If you’ve bought my cookbooks or made any of the recipes on this website, you know my policy is what you see is what you get. What the computer industry calls WYSIWYG (pronounced whizzy wig). When it comes to fast and casual food restaurants and thousands of processed foods sold in supermarkets what you see isn’t what you get. 
It Attracts Buyers and Viewers
Beautified stylized food photos sell cookbooks and magazines and attract viewers to cooking shows and websites. But what is the point if you make a recipe and it doesn’t look anything like the photo or version plated on the cooking show? You think you did something wrong when it actuality you prepared and cooked the recipe exacalty as specified. It just so happened the cooking show has a version impeccably prepared and styled waiting in the wings to make your mouth water and come back for more. Kind of like Pavlov’s dog conditioning.You see this gorgeous, mouth watering food and can’t wait to make or buy it.
You Get What You Pay For
High end restaurants can turn out works of art that stimulate sight, smell and taste. In some cases it is a shame destroying what a chef took many minutes or hours to create. But with the exquisitely plated meal comes an exorbitant price.
Food manufacturers know most consumers won’t return a product that doesn’t look like the photo in the ad, restaurant menu, or package. They’ll moan, groin and curse, but rarely return it for a refund. If most Americans did return these times, manufactures would listen. But, when you’ve only paid a few dollars for an egg sandwich, hamburger, chicken or pizza you shouldn’t expect it to look like food served by high quality restaurants or gourmet shops.You should expect the photographs to look more like the food or the food more like the photograph.
Photo Fact versus Fiction
In this new series of posts, I will compare what restaurants and food manufactures want you to believe you are buying versus what you actual get. The use of deceptive, misleading food photography should be banned. If fast food restaurants served sandwiches like the one pictured on the left you should expect to pay $5 or more per sandwich. At that price, most Americans would abandon fast food in droves.
Egg Muffin Sandwich Ad Photo vs. Actual Product
Egg Muffin Sandwich Ad Photo vs. Actual Product
Most fast food items and many casual restaurant items look nothing like their photographs. Fast food, which the industry refers to as quick serve, is meant to be slopped together and served. The result is the slop you get pictured on the right. By comparison, a homemade sandwich below, made using food rings, looks more like the ideal sandwich.
Homemade Egg Muffin Sandwich
Homemade Egg Muffin Sandwich

post credit:

Monday, April 13, 2015

10 Composition Tips

10 Composition Tips with Award Winning Photographer Steve McCurry

Friday, April 10, 2015

Assignment: Become Someone Else

It’s a new marking period… so put on a new (book) face for our latest and greatest library contest!  Here’s what you do on your photo walk in the library today:
  1. Find a book with a face or part of a face on the cover.
  2. Put your face in the book.
  3. Have a friend take a picture of your bookface.
  4. REPLACE book EXACTLY where you found it so you don't mess up stacks!
  5. Submit it to the class contest by POSTING before Monday morning.

***Yes, this assignment is a required one, so if you are not posted by Monday, you will not be included in contest, however you may hand in for a late grade regardless.***

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Come out tonight and support Monica and Nick! They'll be showing work at the Student works exhibit tonight at the Barron Arts Center 7-9pm