Friday, April 17, 2015

Assignment: Photo Book

Assignment: Photo Book via

  • You will be creating a photo book with your own specific them, please create a folder titled "Journal" so that you get credit for shooting the 50 images over the next week. This includes collecting of old images if that is to your purposes. (20 points of final grade: Due Tuesday 4/21)
  • Have your idea ready to share with me

  • When finished uploading, please click on the following link to BLURB and create your user name and password. Click on JOIN TODAY in top right hand corner. Use the email address you created for THIS CLASS.
  • EMAIL ME IMMEDIATELY WITH YOUR USERNAME & PASSWORD. Email message should look like this:
Subject: LastName, Block #
Message: Nicole Vignola  
                           Username: nicolevig
                           Password: cartel1005

  • Explore the book making options. Keep in mind- creativity is key! You can photograph your own writing include special quotes,  you can scan old photographs - be original(60 pts of final grade)
    • you do not have to use every single image you shoot
    • your book SHOULD have a theme, not just "photo book"
    • creativity is key!
    • spelling errors will NOT be tolerated! spell check!
    • Yes, you need a title page.
    • yes, you SHOULD use Photoshop to edit your images, before simply inserting any image into your book. Try layering, color correcting, etc.
    • Your book needs to be at least 20 pages long, not including the title page and does not have to use every photo you took. Select only the best for the book.
You'll present your book to the class for crit Fri-Mon

Open the document on H: Drive for instructions

 “How do I do that?” you ask..
1. Over the course of the weekend and into next week, document your thoughts and feelings about particular people, places, and events you visit or encounter. Not only must you photograph these people, places or things, but you must keep a written journal about what you experience during this time.  

2. Choose a theme, for example "senior memories" or "people of Iselin" etc. Your theme may not become apparent until after you've shot for a few days, so shoot EVERYTHING, from your sports practice, your vacation, family time, etc. 

3. When you return from Break, we will view your journals and upload your pictures and you will make a digital version of the example above.. (Details about what will be done IN CLASS will follow) The final project will be a digital photography book. 

“So how do I start?” You ask..
Start SHOOTING and WRITING.. as soon as you leave school TODAY.. the more you document, the more material you will have for your digital journal. Do not save this assignment for the weekend before you return to school, your lack of effort will be obvious and your grade will reflect it.

“What are the specifics?” you ask..
You must have AT LEAST 25 photographs. You might not use all the photos in your final compilation, but you will need to have them on Tuesday for full credit. 

Finally, you will need to post a 5 screen shots of your favorite pages on your blog (also by 4/28)
Click link below for an excerpt of this project

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